Additional Therapies

Soft Tissue Techniques

Christine has studied canine and equine massage techniques, as well as sports massage and injuries in humans.

Several other soft tissue techniques are often employed, including myofascial release, stretching, joint mobilisation and trigger point therapy.

Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT)

LLLT aims to stimulate tissue repair and its effects are biochemical and not thermal, so it does not cause heating and consequently damage living tissue like other forms of therapy can do. Four distinct effects occur when using LLLT:

  1. Accelerated healing by increasing collagen production
  2. Pain relief
  3. Immune system support
  4. Reduction in inflammation by stimulating the lymphatic system and increasing vasodilation.

This is all achievable by choosing the correct wavelength, power levels at the appropriate density, time of application and the appropriate pulsing frequency.

LLLT is used for a variety of different conditions by different clinicians. Within the setting of a chiropractic clinic it is most useful for:

  1. Arthritic conditions
  2. Tendonitis Muscle, ligament and tendon damage (chronic and acute)
  3. Muscle spasm (chronic and acute)
  4. Inflamed joints
  5. Breaking down adhesions in scar tissue

There are very few contraindications to using LLLT and its use does not cause any discomfort. Christine uses LLLT on both people and animals alongside chiropractic manipulation and soft tissue therapies.

Epley Manoeuvre

Christine is trained to use the Epley Manoeuvre for the treatment of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV), as well as diagnosing BPPV and distinguishing it from other causes of dizziness such as labyrinthitis and cervicogenic vertigo.